The futures of agency
Exploring the liminal spaces between action and responsibility
25 October 2023 (Wednesday), 11:00-13:00, cowork

Futures in Transition

The purpose of this presentation is to share a case study in Transition Design and to launch a call for papers for a special issue of the World Futures Review, Designing Transitions and Future-Making for Systems Level Change. Transition Design is a transdisciplinary approach to addressing wicked problems, also known as “liminal hotspots”, that brings together futures, design, systems thinking, narrative and ecoliteracy, among others. The case study focuses on a Transition Design Storytelling workshop with Africa Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The intention of this workshop is to support social entrepreneurs in Western Canada to “restory” their futures in order to tackle the complex challenges these communities face. The case study will contextualize the Transition Design approach in terms of practical application and output before pivoting to the call for papers for the special WFR issue and the major themes and questions the special issue seeks to address.

PhD Researcher and Teaching Fellow
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Houston, Foresight