The futures of futures studies
Pushing the boundaries of futures thinking
26 October 2023 (Thursday), 10:00-11:00, imagine3

The weakness in weak signals

Continuing my research from my academic years in the area of weak signals, I am exploring the potential weaknesses and thus the types of weak signals in this paper. Applying futures studies in governments, enterprises and associations as a professional futurist for 10 years, gave me more insight about the relevance of weak signals in creating futures and visions.
After a review of weak signal research, I am discovering the two types of weak signals that refer to their potential weakness, depending on their observability and the type of the observer. Beyond the theoretical approach, it is also crucial to explore the various possibilities to include weak signals in the decision making process, to communicate them accordingly, while maintaining the integrity of the futures work and deliveries. Discussing recontextualisation and reconceptualisation of weak signals is imperative in order to apprehend their role and potential in futures projects, but also to understand the potential of finding weak signals with AI scanning systems used for futures studies.

Executive Board member
Director, Futurist
Hyperfutures BV