Toward Alien Cosmologies, a future world- building approach
In this presentation, we will clarify why the current paradigm shift and liminal stage call for the design of post-humanist future worlds, as open bigger pictures, in which future scenarios, trends, transitions, or strategies can unfold. As we will show, the three large digital, environmental, and demographic transitions are in the process of disrupting western anthropological and epistemological foundations, and require new visions of the world and future cosmologies – the term is used here in its anthropological sense, i.e., as ways of ordering the world and giving meaning to existence.
The Anthropocene asks to reinvent the human condition on Earth, ranging from daily life-styles to our relation and thinking of nature, from urban ecosystems to the global economy, from legal frames to holistic global perspectives and including our relation to outer space, and the future horizon.
Simultaneously, the digital transition is also impacting the entire society from most intimate aspect of life such as dating, to the geopolitical order, from work and business to education and health... The technological acceleration even generates new alien realities and ontologies such as AIs, xeno-bots, distributed autonomous organizations and metaverses becoming protagonists, stakeholders, and life-milieus to make a society and worlds with… These extended transitional processes include revisiting all our rationalities, in search for new forms of post-colonial equities, imaginaries, and universalisms, while the global demography is also in deep transformation.
From that ecosystemic perspective, we will introduce a fluid and multiscalar matrix to design future worlds, resulting from an iterative methodological research process (initiated in 2017) and combining elements from foresight, futures design, world-building, Multi-Level Perspective, transition design and art.