The futures of futures studies
Pushing the boundaries of futures thinking
25 October 2023 (Wednesday), 23:30-00:00, ONLINE

Collaborative virtual reality for teaching Strategic Foresight: the “Future Exploration" escape room.

Escape room “”Future Exploration”” seeks to become a new way of teaching-learning the concepts, approaches, methodologies, and tools of Strategic Foresight, through the design of a virtual collaborative learning space based on the solution of conceptual challenges. Experience is conceptualized as a space trip with takeoff, space station and landing. Space station is made up of four themed rooms with specific challenges.
Room 1 “”The future in the past”” is made up of three spaces that cover prehistory, ancient civilizations, and native cultures, solving conceptual challenges about approaches and concepts of Strategic Foresight. Room 2 “”The futurists today” is dedicated to study of futures at present through the work of prestigious world futurists, solving conceptual challenges on Foresight strategies, attitudes towards the future and Foresight approaches. Prospective methodologies are studied in room 3 “The exploration of futures”, challenges consist in taking an ordered tour of the four stages of the prospective process to find and organize the clues about some prospective tools. Finally, the future is studied in room 4 “”Tomorrowland””, where challenge is to find and organize clues about the types of scenarios and their characteristics.
This educational innovation has provided students with a virtual environment for collaborative learning of Strategic Foresight in a playful and experiential way with visual and auditory effects. And opened a range of possibilities to propose flexible learning activities for conceptual study of Strategic Foresight to be used as learning, evaluation, review, affirmation and/or conclusion of contents.

Video of the event

(Watch the YouTube video here)