Detailed schedule for the in-person event here
The WFSF XXV World Conference will have a three-day program in Paris on the 25-27th during the day. Outside those hours, there are online sessions that are free to follow or participate at.
Due to the high number of submissions, some of the presentations and workshops are scheduled for Tuesday and Friday (24th and 27th October) at the Ecole des Ponts Business School. We will also have some side events on Monday (23rd October). The opening session of the conference is on Wednesday morning, and the WFSF General Assembly is scheduled for Thursday late afternoon.
The conference is organised around the concept of liminality, and additionally have events around the Federation’s anniversary. Therefore we selected the following themes for the conference:
- Lexicon on futures
- Use of machines for futures studies
- Futures of futures studies
- Education for the future, Futures Literacy – so important as History in the schools, stakeholders (influence, impact, action), futures education and research policy
- The 100th anniversary of WFSF
- Universal values, ethics (techno-economic paradigms)
- Anticipatory regeneration
- Artificial vs natural
- Humanity, humanness, human being(s), becoming(s)
- Spirituality, emotions and consciousness
- AI, technology and augmented humanity
- Identity and representation
- Measuring influence, impact, action
- Narratives of (for) the future(s)
- Education and research
- Value, value creation and no metrics (beyond GDP and growth)
- Leadership, stewardship
The Scientific Committee, chaired by John A Sweeney is made up of a diverse team of scholars and futurists from across the globe:
- Maya van Leemput
- Luke van der Laan
- Roberto Poli
- Ted Fuller
- Dana Klisanin
- Fabienne Goux-Baudiment
- Erzsebet Novaky
- Karla Paniagua
- Ivana Milojevic
- Richard Slaughter
- Shermon Cruz
- Rosa Alegria
- Victor Motti
- Helga Veigl
- John A. Sweeney