Playing the ITT Game to Imagine WFSF 2043 Conference Topics
A fun session where participants play the ITT Game to imagine topics and talking points at the WFSF 2043 Conference.
The ITT Game allows players to imagine situations yet to come in a serious, but engaging and fun manner. It stems from the notion that issues (I), trends (T) and technologies (T) are influenced by and influence each other. While the ITT Game retains the systemic complexity of the world through focusing on the interplay between issues, trends, and technologies, it does reduce the immense complexity of everything going on to a level where participants can easily, yet meaningfully, engage with it in a limited period of time. A dash of randomness is retained to make it interesting, and to remind participants of the role that chance and uncertainty play.
The session will consist of three phases:
- Introduction to the ITT Game (Academic grounding of the game, a short intro to the rules of the game, and the scope for this play)
- Playing the game (In groups of between 4-9 people each)
- Feedback from groupwork: Listing the topics and talking points for WFSF 2043 Conference
Although the aim of the session is to imagine topics and talking points for WFSF 2043 Conference, participants will be guided toward being able to design their own versions of the ITT Game for use within their own circumstances.