Christopher H. Cordey
Christopher H. CORDEY (APF, WFSF, Lifeboat Foundation, Swissfuture) is an experiential futurist. A graduate in Economics (Switzerland), he is the founder of futuratinow, a strategic anticipation, IDEAtion and training advisory. He also founded prosilience the global systemic risk adaptation platform. He is an associate at Yonders and a board member of the Swissfuture (Swiss Society For Future Studies). His main activity is to accompany senior executives from the public and private sectors in rethinking, anticipating and acting in a complex, contradictory and chaotic environment. He is notably author of “Intelligence 5.0: the new national prosperity challenge”.
His current focuses are: neurodiversity; hybrid intelligence; water, food, energy and mineral nexus; beyond resilience; cyber-bio-physical convergence.