Jean-Eric Aubert

Fondation 2100
Société Française de Prospective

President of the Fondation 2100 and of the Société Française de Prospective (French
Foresight Society), Jean-Eric AUBERT leads studies on the long-term evolution of human
societies and activities for the promotion of future studies (prizes, awards, events, etc.). He
has had a career of international civil servant and consultant in international organizations,
including the OECD, the World Bank, and UN agencies, and, as such, he has advised
governments of more than fifty countries in socio-economic development strategies and
related policies (science, technology, industry, education, etc.). He is particularly interested
in the influences of cultures and mindsets on the evolution of civilizations and countries, a
subject on which he has written a number of books and articles. He holds a Ph.D in Applied
Mathematics and a Master in Economics from Paris universities.