Kazuo Mizuta
About myself
Vice Director
NPO: Japan Future Research Center
Kyoto Sangyo University
Professor Emeritus
Comparative Culture Studies
I am a practicing sociologist in the field of comparative culture and future-studies. Comparing Japanese ways of living and other countries and speculate on the future.
I have taught at Kyoto Sangyo University, Department of Cultural Studies. I have also worked for the University Affiliated Research Institute of World Affairs.
Books and paper
1.An Introduction to Comparative Culture Studies (1996) in Japanese
2.The Future of Culture (2004)
3.The State of The Future of 2016 in Japanese (available on-line).
4. Which Way Are the Japanese people Heading?
Creating a Pan Pacific Culture (available in Kindle format for $23.92 from Amazon.com.)
This book includes a chapter on robot;
“Human/Robot Interaction: When Will Robots Come of Age?
Chapter1 Technology Part I Innovations to tackle sustainability pp.15-80 “
5. Mizuta Kazuo. 2010. “Robotics in the Year 2025: Toward a Better Quality Life” World Future Review 2 (4): 31–38.