Louisa Kastner

Foresight Manager
Z_punkt The Foresight Company
Freie Universität Berlin

Louisa Kastner focuses on the development of future-oriented topics and methods, especially in the field of consumer foresight. She draws on her many years of experience as a consumer and cultural researcher in the FMCG, lifestyle and biotechnology/life science sectors. She is particularly interested in the design and implementation of participative and interactive workshop formats. Before joining Z_punkt, she completed a master’s degree in futures studies at the Free University of Berlin and a German-French bachelor’s and master’s degree in consulting/strategic management. In addition, she regularly undergoes methodological and didactic training, e.g. as a facilitator of Futures Literacy Laboratories.
Her research focuses on the meaning, role and possibilities of reframing futures in order to stimulate transformative learning.