Muhammad Alaraby
Muhammad Alaraby is an award-winning Egyptian futurist. He is the head strategic foresight program at the Future for Advanced Research and Studies (FARAS), Abu Dhabi. Previously, he was a senior researcher at Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s Center for Strategic Studies. Muhammad received a Master’s degree in Global Affairs with a focus on international security from the American University in Cairo. He then joined the World Bank-sponsored project Building for Peace: Reconstruction for Security, Sustainable Peace, and Equity in MENA as an AUC research team member. Muhammad studied political science at Cairo University and the Free University in Berlin. He authored several published peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. Muhammad won the Arab Youth Award granted by ALESCO’s Arab Institute for Research and Studies for his study Foreseeing Arab Futures: Issues, Trends and Scenarios. Recently, he has published a paper on anticipatory intelligence; prediction and national security building (Arabic) and a paper exploring prospects of demilitarisation in the MENA region. His fields of interest are strategic foresight, intelligence, regional and international security.