The futures of futures studies
Pushing the boundaries of futures thinking

Five Decades of Future Studies: Lessons from 50 Years of PhD Dissertations

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of WFSF, this session explores the insights gained from five decades of PhD dissertations in futures studies. The session presents the findings of a two-year funded study titled "Advancing the PhD in Futures Research," which meticulously examined 110 future-oriented doctoral dissertations completed since 1972 across diverse disciplines. The session offers an overview of this collection, highlighting various aspects such as theoretical paradigms, levels of analysis, and futures research methods employed. Furthermore, 12 exceptional dissertations spanning the 50-year period were selected through a panel review process. Drawing from these exemplary works, the session presents criteria for excellence in four key areas: Epistemology, Theory, Methods, and Practice. Graduate students, both current and prospective, as well as faculty members overseeing doctoral dissertations in futures and foresight, will find this session highly valuable and engaging.

Associate Professor of Strategic Leadership
Oral Roberts University
Programme Accreditation Council