The futures of humanity
Exploring the liminal spaces between sustainability, equity and planetary justice
26 October 2023 (Thursday), 14:00-15:20, imagine2

Living in a City outside Our Mother Earth

The era of the Humankind Expansion into the Space started already. It
is CNS opinion that symbolically 100 years after “the first step of a person out of the Earth”, namely in 2069, a permanent community of 1000 individuals will inhabit the Cislunar City. Living in space requires effective integration and simultaneous evaluation of many aspects. The CNS multicultural/multigenerational OrbiTecture Working Group works on stories and arguments related to construction activities outside our planet, making extensive use of innovative robotic additive manufacturing techniques, both for the main structure and for the internal secondary structures of the space infrastructure. The development of the Cislunar City will require high comfortable habitat with areas for socialization, physical activities, cultivation and food production, research laboratories and industrial activities which are necessary to make the city sustainable. The Cislunar City will be distributed between the Low Earth Orbit (LEO; within 2,000 km from the surface), the Lagrangian spots of the Earth-Moon system and the Lunar Low Orbit (LLO; within 100 km from the surface). The concept of the Cislunar City as an “archipelago” of minor differentiated units allows its agile realisation in the time, facilitates successive aggregations, maintenance, management, substitutions units. The different units of the archipelago, even if complementary to each other, will come into operation independently and then integrate into the whole. Regarding the regulation and management of the Cislunar City and its neighbourhoods, even within the scope of a concept of autonomy, CNS believes that it will be necessary to respect general rules and the definition of a social and legal structure that is not simply "exported” from the Earth, but conceived and developed with the perspective of those who are there.

Center for Near Space - Italian Institute for the Future
Director, Center for Near Space
Italian Institute for the Future