The futures of futures studies
Pushing the boundaries of futures thinking

Spreading of Online and Interactive Foresight Activities

The presentation should like to deal with the new wave in the life cycle of the foresight activities. It is associated with the new info-communicational technologies and the artificial intelligence applied in wider and wider range of every part in social life. This may be due to sudden changes (global climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war, the instability or crisis in some regions, etc.) affecting all the inhabitants of the globe, but it may also be due to the growing uncertainty of the future as some tools (artificial intelligence, biotechnology, forming different solutions in recycling economy, etc.) are available to tackle the problems become more widespread. For this reason, the technology of futures field and especially foresight needs to be upgraded. This modernisation includes the development and dissemination of futures literacy among people in different types of societies, the use of advanced foresight techniques for dealing with uncertain futures in the preparation of professional decisions, and the cooperation of an ever-wider range of decision-makers and stakeholders in shaping futures at global, regional, national and local levels. To this end, one of the main tasks for foresight specialists is to develop online and interactive platforms on different futures topics that are accessible and usable by every-day people and experts alike, and another main task is to involve foresight specialists in the development and operation of global governance.

Professor Emerita
Corvinus University of Budapest
President of Scientific Committee of Statistics and Futures research at HAS
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)