The futures of humanity
Exploring the liminal spaces between sustainability, equity and planetary justice

The Game of the Great Transition

Futures gaming use games to explore the futures and train participants to experiment the way a futurist thinks or works. During the lockdown, F. GOUX-BAUDIMENT, K. McGLONE and M. DENOUAL have achieved a foresight game they have designed for 4 years. Since 2021, this game has been used in French and Hungarian universities as well as in large corporate compagnies for foresight training, team bonding, mind opening.
The Game of the Great Transition introduces players to both the concept of the Great Transition and the way a futurist thinks about the future, based on identified megatrends and emerging trends, as well as the levers for action and obstacles to implementing the response to the challenge posed.
T. GASPAR and F. GOUX-BAUDIMENT propose to organize a 2-hour workshop dedicated to futures gaming, with sequentially 1/ a presentation by P. HAYWARD, about the importance of foresight gaming in FS (back to the World Game), 2/ a presentation by F. GOUX-BAUDIMENT introducing the participants to the Game of the Great Transition, 3/ a play of the game by the participants, 4/ group-discussion on the experiences and understandings of the game, and 5/a final presenation by T. GASPAR and K. McGLONE about their experience of this game in university groups.