The futures of futures studies
Pushing the boundaries of futures thinking
25 October 2023 (Wednesday), 14:00-16:00, lab

Transition and futures literacy – case studies on gaming the futures

Gaming the futures is a useful and efficient way of unfolding different understandings of futures as well as making conscious the varying approaches. Hence futures games both support exploring the futures, revealing foresight activities as well as reflecting on our cognitive and affective processes on what futures we articulate and how we use them. Transition in this process is a core concept, since it highlights the emerging novelty element of futures, and gives opportunity to reflect on what and how to think about and do for the future in the present.
The Game of the Great Transition is a futures game created by F. Goux-Baudiment, K. McGlone and M. Denoua. The presentation contributes to the workshop organised in the same field by reporting on theoretical and methodological experiences of using the game in different levels of education, gives further insights into gaming the futures and concludes how to adapt it in business education.

Associate Professor
Budapest Business University