Rocio Vanessa Farias
Master in Strategic Foresight from the Graduate School of Public Administration and Public Policy EGAP México. Graduate in International Relations from Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey.
Current leader of “Met Conecta Futures Center” in Mexico, focused on prospective studies about business and trend scenarios. Met Conecta supports the development of people, projects and companies to implement market-oriented solutions, through simplified trend methodologies to reduce uncertainty with entrepreneurship, innovation and networking mainly in Latin America.
Extensive experience in coordinating academic programs in entrepreneurship. Previously, founder member of the Business Creation and Development Program and the Innovative Entrepreneurship Semester at Tecnológico de Monterrey. Directed diverse program awards with the support of Mexican foundations, which provides scholarships for young students with an entrepreneurial spirit to continue strengthening their learning abroad. Liaison professor with international professors in their adaptation to the Mexican academic entrepreneurship context.
Member of national and international initiatives about Strategic Foresight, Futures and Entrepreneurship. Currently, professor of courses such an “Future Scenarios on the International Political Economy”, “Leadership for Entrepreneurial Development”, “Evaluation and Communication of Opportunities”, “Diversity in a Globalized World” and “Global Challenges”.