Thomas Mofolo
Social innovator, creative writer, media theorist, visual anthropologist, and ubuntufuturist. Thomas Mofolo is the founder and Chief Content Creator of M³C (Making Media Move Culture ©), an award winning digital communications media lab dedicated to improving the future with stories and tools rooted in social innovation and civic transformation. He works with some of the world’s leading NGOs, brands, and startups in Afrika providing expertise on impact driven advocacy campaigns, solutions journalism, speculative fiction, and social enterprise development.
Thomas Mofolo (Tau ya Hamakhoa) is the first angel of the future, and a member of the Bataung clan from Southern Afrika who venerate the lion as their family totem. His roots are in the Kingdom of Lesotho and South Africa.
His creative work and scholarship explores the symbiotic relationship of on and offline worlds to create social impact and shared value. He was named after his great grandfather who is celebrated for being the first African novelist, and is a firm believer in the power of narrative for cultivating active citizenship. His activism is specifically focused on community development and leveraging the creative economy to prototype decolonised futures for Afrika using indigenous wisdom.
He has been lauded by Accenture in South Africa as a rising star, and had his work featured in the L.A. Times, WWD, and Elle UK to name a few. His interests and expertise include content strategy, campaign planning, creative direction, media production, community building, and culture hacking.