When Looking for Futures is What’s Looking
Futures are considered objects in space-time, thinking about futures is therefore aligned with the Newtonian approach. They postulate a time arrow creating a dual spatio-temporal direction from historical to prospective. Causal continuity roots the development of scenarios and imaginary projections. These are objective, associative methods and tools that involve determinism, producing a forward-looking cockpit based on informational constructs, but devoid of subjective reality.
Prior to their informational creation, futures are superimposed in potentiality, residing beyond space-time. Characteristically, Jung's synchronicity events manifest themselves non-locally, with causal links defying linear rationality, boasting discontinuity, introducing meaning within entangled circularities. Those emerge from the mind, transcending the energy conservation law plus introducing subjective vision.
The core of time is solely the present moment in awareness, meaning we "communicate" with futures through a domain of potentiality in non-local mode, positing the non-separability of future potentialities as their correlative entanglement. A domain of potentiality doesn’t require local connections, continuous processes or monotonic reasoning i.e. simple hierarchies. Conceiving futures is furthermore subject to Heisenberg's principle of indeterminacy: one cannot equally determine both their spatio-temporal position and their progressive dynamics, i.e. their directional impact and propensity to occur.
Shaping the future becomes a creative act from a possibilities space: a collapse driven by mind-driven consciousness as causal support of a choice driven by intention, creating entangled subject-object pairs. The aforementioned quantum properties invite scientific futuring by applying quantum measurement theory to the brain-mind system from outside space-time. Whereby a future becomes an observation by that reflexive self-referential system.