Developing Your Foresight Evaluation Capacity
Futurists and foresight practitioners wrestle with perennial questions about their activities: ‘Is this environmental scanning process making a difference in how people think about and plan for the future?’ 'Do these scenarios of life in 2030 change peoples’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors about the future and help them plan for a preferred future?' And: ‘Are my students really developing their foresight capacity and ability to look at the world differently?’ Foresight evaluation can address these questions. It can provide meaningful information on what is working and what is not, as well as how to improve the quality of your work. Targeted to foresight practitioners with limited evaluation expertise, the aim of this two-hour Workshop is to lay the foundation for integrating evaluation thinking and methods into foresight practice. In particular, the workshop will explore the application of evaluation principles, such as developing appropriate evaluation questions and methods, such as surveys and interviews.